
About me

Hello, and welcome to my website. If you don't know who I am, my name is Toby, also known by my nickname SenseiChromosome. I am currently 18 years old as I write this. I was born and raised in England for the entirety of my life. I am currently a college student stationed at Access Creative College (ACC), where I am studying T-Level Digital Production, Design, and Development, or, for short, Software Development.

What do I often do with my time? Well, from a young age, I've spent countless hours immersed in various video games, day and night. However, a few years ago, around the age of 16, I started to ease up on gaming and shift my focus. It was around that time when I began attending college and enrolled in a one-year program called Level 2 Game Development. The decision to start with Level 2 Game Development was influenced by my academic history. Having dedicated most of my time to playing games rather than focusing on school, I ended up failing the majority of my GCSEs. Consequently, I initially couldn't enroll in the desired course at college. Fortunately, the college reached out to me, offering a spot in the Level 2 Game Development program. I gladly accepted the offer. After successfully completing that year with remarkable results earning an overall Distinction, being recognized as the Best Level 2 Student, and receiving the National Award for the best E-sports Event it was a truly extraordinary experience for me. These achievements were unprecedented in my life. However, during that year, I discovered a strong interest in programming, cybersecurity, and technology. Instead of continuing with game development, I decided to transfer to the current course I am pursuing.

As for my hobbies, I have a variety of interests. Some of my hobbies include programming, gaming, studying, and listening to music just to name a few generic activities. However, my primary interests revolve around the country of Japan. Since my childhood, I've developed a profound appreciation for Japan, encompassing everything from cultural differences and language to history, cars, music, archaeology, and more there are simply too many to list. When it comes to music, my favorite artist is Ado, although there are a few others that come very close, such as Kenshi Yonezu, Yoasobi, MaisonDes, and Radwimps. It's safe to say that my preferred genre is J-pop. If I were to choose a "favorite" place in Japan, it would probably be Sendai in the Miyagi Prefecture, which is north of Tokyo. Within the Japanese language, they use a writing system called "Kanji," one of the three alphabets. My favorite kanji is the one representing "God," which looks like "神 (Kami).